Assistance and consultancy to players operating in the Non Performing Exposures sector

MLS Business Partners is an advisory company specialized in assistance and consultancy to companies operating in the Non Performing Exposures sector.

We support our Clients throughout the entire NPEs processing cycle, from portfolio assessment to legal and extrajudicial management, management control and credit & asset sale to investors.

Our services are tailor-made, based on the specific needs of our clients. We combine deep knowledge of the NPEs sector with the best technical, legal and financial resources.

We offer our services to Banks, Servicers, Financial Intermediaries, Investment Funds, Guarantee Institutions and Industrial & Commercial Companies.

We work on the whole territory of Italy,  as organizational partner of the Master Legal Service® Network, made up of 180 law firms.

MLS Business Partners is a servicer  authorised to carry out debt collection activities on behalf of third parties, pursuant to Article 115 of the Consolidated Act on Public Security.


 Creating effective and measurable value for our customers, through the formulation of On Demand solutions, aligned to the needs of each individual reality.

Minimize credit management costs in terms of both reducing external costs and easing the workload of internal structures.

Maximize opportunities to increase our customers’ recovery rates or sales results.



We want to be a reliable Partner, recognized for the ability to rapidly activate incisive and professionally suited solutions to the complex context  of non-performing loans management.


We are customer-centric: our processes are customer focus designed.

Professional excellence: we draw on the deepest and most extensive professional skills. MLSBP’s founders and partners have decades of experience in the field.

Communication and collaboration: the relationship with our customers is characterized by constant feedbacks and oriented towards continuous improvement.

Independence and transparency:  impartiality in the assessments and certifications of the work performed is guaranteed.

Community: The MLS® network is made up of Professionals who share experiences and opportunities, enriching the overall competence of the organization.

Results mindset.